Yes, Halloween is almost upon us! When I buy Halloween candy I always buy what I like best. I don’t often think about how it will affect my teeth! All candy is the same in this regard, right? Apparently not!
According to, the worst candy for your teeth is sticky and chewy candy such as caramels, taffies and gummy bears. Anything that can stick in your teeth. The best candy for your teeth are sugar-free lollipops which, due to saliva production, will flush away bacteria from your teeth. For more information on best and worst candy for your teeth, click on the link below. If you would like to receive FREE candy — and who wouldn’t?? click this link to get a *Free* Halloween Candy Bundle.
Best and Worst Halloween Candy For Your Teeth
I came across a grammatical error on your website I thought you would like to know about. It’s on the page /best-and-worst-halloween-candy-for-your-teeth/. In this sentence:
the worst candy for your teeth is sticky and chewy candy such as caramels, taffy’s and gummy bears
taffy’s should be taffies because it is plural, not possessive which taffy’s is.
Thank you! Nice catch! I actually looked it up because taffies just didn’t look right to me! 🙂 One dictionary said it could be taffys — but the ‘s was definitely wrong! Thanks again! ~Joy